Rapporti problematici tra compagnie USA e Air Italy

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Messaggi: 1156
Iscritto il: mer 25 set 2013, 10:02:39
Località: Brianza

Re: Rapporti problematici tra compagnie USA e Air Italy

Messaggio da leggereda miguel » gio 01 ago 2019, 14:28:45

Mattia ha scritto:
rogerwilco ha scritto:
Mattia ha scritto:vedremo se e quando AA ci metterà a iniziare a collaborare con IG a questo punto, o se invece continuerà a evitare ogni tipo di cooperazione
A questo punto sarebbe altresì stupido evitare eventuali collaborazioni. Una parte di mercato italiano e soprattutto un partner in Italia, per quanto piccolo e, al momento, insignificante potrebbe fare comodo anche loro. Di certo piu della guerra contro i mulini a vento...
Sicuramente...ma cambiare rotta a 360 gradi dal giorno con la notte mi stupirebbe molto...se poi avvenisse ben venga
Secondo me se non cambia CEO rimane tutto così

Messaggi: 3455
Iscritto il: sab 23 mag 2009, 18:35:41
Località: London, UK

Rapporti problematici tra compagnie USA e Air Italy

Messaggio da leggereda I-GABE » gio 01 ago 2019, 14:56:59

Mattia ha scritto: Sicuramente...ma cambiare rotta a 360 gradi dal giorno con la notte mi stupirebbe molto...se poi avvenisse ben venga
Mi auguro a 180, altrimenti proseguono come prima! Immagine
Battute a parte, in genere gli americani sono pragmatici, quindi non mi stupirei di nulla. Resta il fatto che QR sembrava in rotta anche con Qantas e che se dovesse uscire da OW (ma non s’è saputo più nulla) AA sarebbe solo una di tante.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Messaggi: 2834
Iscritto il: sab 29 dic 2007, 14:35:09

Re: Rapporti problematici tra compagnie USA e Air Italy

Messaggio da leggereda Mattia » gio 01 ago 2019, 14:59:48

I-GABE ha scritto:
Mattia ha scritto: Sicuramente...ma cambiare rotta a 360 gradi dal giorno con la notte mi stupirebbe molto...se poi avvenisse ben venga
Mi auguro a 180, altrimenti proseguono come prima! Immagine
Battute a parte, in genere gli americani sono pragmatici, quindi non mi stupirei di nulla. Resta il fatto che QR sembrava in rotta anche con Qantas e che se dovesse uscire da OW (ma non s’è saputo più nulla) AA sarebbe solo una di tante.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Si 180 ovviamente :azz:

Messaggi: 359
Iscritto il: mer 19 set 2018, 15:36:42

Re: Rapporti problematici tra compagnie USA e Air Italy

Messaggio da leggereda rogerwilco » gio 01 ago 2019, 15:53:41

Credo che nel campo degli affari e della finanza aumento della redditività e orgoglio siano due elementi che non vanno proprio d'accordo...

Messaggi: 2946
Iscritto il: gio 10 lug 2008, 18:41:39
Località: Milano

Re: Rapporti problematici tra compagnie USA e Air Italy

Messaggio da leggereda Mauz » gio 01 ago 2019, 16:21:21

Non poter ostacolare LEGALMENTE una cosa non significa non poterlo fare commercialmente.

Le US3 hanno in ogni caso la leva commerciale dalla loro parte finché le ME3 e IG non avranno dimensioni talmente ragguardevoli sul mercato nordatlantico da poter rappresentare un reale pericolo commerciale.

Tutto sta nel capire quanto sangue siano disposti a buttare quelli di IG per raggiungere tali dimensioni.

Inviato dal mio JSN-L21 utilizzando Tapatalk
Stiamo monitorando attentamente la situazione. (Claudia)

Messaggi: 1153
Iscritto il: dom 20 set 2009, 18:55:55

Re: Rapporti problematici tra compagnie USA e Air Italy

Messaggio da leggereda C-ALEX » gio 01 ago 2019, 16:51:42

IG in questo momento ha una particolare attenzione ai voli della costa Ovest.
Risultano quelli in assoluto con meno ritardo negli ultimi due mesi sia SFO che LAX per 3 volte a testa hanno avuto un ritardo sopra l'ora. Molto probabilmente per dimostrare di essere in grado di rispettare i CS con Alaska e mantenersi un alleato interno in questa discussione.

Messaggi: 2834
Iscritto il: sab 29 dic 2007, 14:35:09

Re: Rapporti problematici tra compagnie USA e Air Italy

Messaggio da leggereda Mattia » gio 01 ago 2019, 17:27:09

Mauz® ha scritto:Non poter ostacolare LEGALMENTE una cosa non significa non poterlo fare commercialmente.

Le US3 hanno in ogni caso la leva commerciale dalla loro parte finché le ME3 e IG non avranno dimensioni talmente ragguardevoli sul mercato nordatlantico da poter rappresentare un reale pericolo commerciale.

Tutto sta nel capire quanto sangue siano disposti a buttare quelli di IG per raggiungere tali dimensioni.

Inviato dal mio JSN-L21 utilizzando Tapatalk
Che IG abbia più bisogno di AA di una collaborazione è fuor di dubbio, che a guadagnarci entrambe da una cooperazione però anche

Messaggi: 2946
Iscritto il: gio 10 lug 2008, 18:41:39
Località: Milano

Re: Rapporti problematici tra compagnie USA e Air Italy

Messaggio da leggereda Mauz » gio 01 ago 2019, 17:57:09

AA avrà da guadagnarci quando commercialmente riterrà IG in grado di nuocerle.

Prima di allora tenterà di soffocarla sul nascere con le leve di mercato.

Inviato dal mio JSN-L21 utilizzando Tapatalk
Stiamo monitorando attentamente la situazione. (Claudia)

Messaggi: 2742
Iscritto il: sab 02 lug 2016, 18:51:50

Re: Rapporti problematici tra compagnie USA e Air Italy

Messaggio da leggereda milmxp » gio 01 ago 2019, 18:22:20

C-ALEX ha scritto:IG in questo momento ha una particolare attenzione ai voli della costa Ovest.
Risultano quelli in assoluto con meno ritardo negli ultimi due mesi sia SFO che LAX per 3 volte a testa hanno avuto un ritardo sopra l'ora. Molto probabilmente per dimostrare di essere in grado di rispettare i CS con Alaska e mantenersi un alleato interno in questa discussione.
Credo che sia solamente per una questione di giri macchina.
Quando salta una macchina i voli per JFK e YYZ hanno margine per recuperare ed essere disponibili per le rotazioni successive, LAX e SFO decisamente no.

Messaggi: 359
Iscritto il: mer 19 set 2018, 15:36:42

Re: Rapporti problematici tra compagnie USA e Air Italy

Messaggio da leggereda rogerwilco » gio 01 ago 2019, 19:40:18

Mauz® ha scritto:AA avrà da guadagnarci quando commercialmente riterrà IG in grado di nuocerle.

Prima di allora tenterà di soffocarla sul nascere con le leve di mercato.

Inviato dal mio JSN-L21 utilizzando Tapatalk
In una condizione di concorrenza commerciale dove subentrano oltre a prezzi anche servizi e altri vari elementi ben venga questo tentativo....

Messaggi: 1458
Iscritto il: dom 30 nov 2008, 11:25:20

Re: Rapporti problematici tra compagnie USA e Air Italy

Messaggio da leggereda canadian#affairs » ven 02 ago 2019, 15:36:48

Il CEO di DL spiega ai dipendenti il motivo della sua assenza alla Casa Bianca

Delta's CEO Explains Why He Skipped A Meeting With President Trump

EDITOR'S PICK36,853 viewsAug 1, 2019, 06:38pm

Delta's CEO Explains Why He Skipped A Meeting With President Trump

Gary LeffContributor 

Aerospace & Defense

I have covered the airline industry for over 17 years.

President Donald J. Trump (Photo by Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)


Where was Ed? In the wake of last week’s meeting between U.S. airline executives and President Trump, one of the more interesting details that emerged was that the president reportedly was incensed that Delta CEO Ed Bastian didn’t show up.

Now Bastian has offered an explanation to Delta employees: he wouldn't move his vacation.

For the past four years American, Delta, and United have complained that Emirates, Etihad, and Qatar Airways are subsidized by their governments and that it's unfair to have to compete against these Middle Eastern airlines, despite an Open Skies Treaty that allows them unfettered access to U.S. markets, and vice versa (FedEx has a hub in Dubai). They’ve renewed their complaints recently over the expansion of service to the U.S. by Air Italy, which is 49%-owned by Qatar Airways.

With the prodding of White House trade adviser Peter Navarro, the President took a meeting with American CEO Doug Parker and United CEO Oscar Munoz to hear their case. Trump also invited the heads of U.S. airlines who worry about the consequences of abrogating the U.S. treaties involved -- Fred Smith of FedEx, William Flynn of Atlas Air and Robin Hayes of JetBlue -- as well as Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al Baker.

Belying Trump’s protectionist stance on other trade issues, the meeting ended with the president telling the largest U.S. airlines that if they have a beef with Qatar Airways, they should avail themselves of the established Department of Transportation complaint procedures that they've resisted using since first raising their complaints four years ago (these procedures cannot legally take more than six months).  It's largely expected that their case doesn't meet the legal standard such a complaint would be held to.

According to NBC News, Trump repeatedly asked why Bastian was skipping the meeting after years of leading the Big Three’s campaign on the Gulf carriers.

Delta, for its part, was only willing to say that Ed Bastian was on pre-scheduled travel.

Now Bastian has given Delta employees a fuller explanation. In a video message which I have reviewed, Bastian said that he was on a one-week international vacation with his family and that he was unwilling to cancel it. He said, "My family makes a lot of sacrifices with Delta. I ask them to do a lot of things. I wasn’t about ready to ask them to cancel a long-scheduled vacation."

Bastian also told employees that the meeting with the President "was not about the whole Middle Eastern issue, it was really very limited to Qatar and the Air Italy situation." In essence it wasn't as important a meeting as it might have been and he didn't feel the need to be there, deferring instead to United's Oscar Munoz and American's Doug Parker to make their case instead.

Walking away empty handed, Parker and Munoz may have wished they'd gone on vacation, too.

Here's the full message that Bastian delivered in his video remarks:

I know we’ve gotten some media inquiries recently, and I’ve certainly gotten some questions from our employees relative to a meeting that was held in the White House with the President regarding our Middle Eastern campaign with the airlines, and a meeting that was held with some of the airline CEOs that I was not able to attend.

First and foremost our administration is doing a very good job of protecting our interests. There was a letter agreement signed a year ago that the administration pushed through that insisted on the U.A.E. and the Qataris providing transparency, limiting their ability to grow any new 5th freedom flying, and we continue to be disciplined in terms of how we’re watching the enactment of those treaties and those letter agreements that have been signed. Our team is doing a very good job working with the administration and we have strong support in DC for the position they’ve held.

Recently however as many of you know there is a new airline that has popped up on the scene called Air Italy which is based in Italy and is a proxy airline really for Qatar and as a result we’ve called it to the administration’s attention and many of you, in fact over 40,000 of you have sent emails in this year alone to the administration asking that they make certain that the agreements that Air Italy is flying under complies with the requirements of Open Skies and insist upon the transparency and the full disclosure similar to the agreements we had a year ago.

As a result of our request the administration did set up a meeting with the White House including President Trump just recently in the last couple of weeks. Unfortunately that meeting was set up at the very last minute as I was heading out of the country with my family on a long scheduled one week vacation that would have caused me to cancel the vacation with my family. My family makes a lot of sacrifices with Delta, I ask them to do a lot of things, I wasn’t about ready to ask them to cancel a long scheduled vacation.

This meeting was not about the whole Middle Eastern issue, it was really very limited to Qatar and the Air Italy situation. We’re well-represented and I consulted with the CEOs of both American and United and I know our position was presented to the President in a very clear and direct matter. So I wanted to clear that up. It was not a political statement that we were making in the least.

I told the White House I was willing to make any meeting, any week, it just couldn’t be that week. And they decided to hold the meeting when I wasn’t around. So apologies for that, I feel bad, but at the same time I feel strong that we’re on the right side of this issue. Our voices are being heard. I’ve talked to many of our Senators particularly that have been strong supporters of us in Washington following the meeting and they are just as fired up as ever that we’re going to make certain that the U.S. jobs that Delta provides as well as American and United are protected and that we’re going to continue to push forward with our campaign with the Middle Eastern carriers.

https://www.forbes.com/sites/garyleff/2 ... b5466a137c

Messaggi: 5728
Iscritto il: mer 20 ago 2008, 16:00:52

Re: Rapporti problematici tra compagnie USA e Air Italy

Messaggio da leggereda easyMXP » ven 02 ago 2019, 16:44:06

canadian#affairs ha scritto:Il CEO di DL spiega ai dipendenti il motivo della sua assenza alla Casa Bianca

Delta's CEO Explains Why He Skipped A Meeting With President Trump

EDITOR'S PICK36,853 viewsAug 1, 2019, 06:38pm

Delta's CEO Explains Why He Skipped A Meeting With President Trump

Gary LeffContributor 

Aerospace & Defense

I have covered the airline industry for over 17 years.

President Donald J. Trump (Photo by Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)


Where was Ed? In the wake of last week’s meeting between U.S. airline executives and President Trump, one of the more interesting details that emerged was that the president reportedly was incensed that Delta CEO Ed Bastian didn’t show up.

Now Bastian has offered an explanation to Delta employees: he wouldn't move his vacation.

For the past four years American, Delta, and United have complained that Emirates, Etihad, and Qatar Airways are subsidized by their governments and that it's unfair to have to compete against these Middle Eastern airlines, despite an Open Skies Treaty that allows them unfettered access to U.S. markets, and vice versa (FedEx has a hub in Dubai). They’ve renewed their complaints recently over the expansion of service to the U.S. by Air Italy, which is 49%-owned by Qatar Airways.

With the prodding of White House trade adviser Peter Navarro, the President took a meeting with American CEO Doug Parker and United CEO Oscar Munoz to hear their case. Trump also invited the heads of U.S. airlines who worry about the consequences of abrogating the U.S. treaties involved -- Fred Smith of FedEx, William Flynn of Atlas Air and Robin Hayes of JetBlue -- as well as Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al Baker.

Belying Trump’s protectionist stance on other trade issues, the meeting ended with the president telling the largest U.S. airlines that if they have a beef with Qatar Airways, they should avail themselves of the established Department of Transportation complaint procedures that they've resisted using since first raising their complaints four years ago (these procedures cannot legally take more than six months).  It's largely expected that their case doesn't meet the legal standard such a complaint would be held to.

According to NBC News, Trump repeatedly asked why Bastian was skipping the meeting after years of leading the Big Three’s campaign on the Gulf carriers.

Delta, for its part, was only willing to say that Ed Bastian was on pre-scheduled travel.

Now Bastian has given Delta employees a fuller explanation. In a video message which I have reviewed, Bastian said that he was on a one-week international vacation with his family and that he was unwilling to cancel it. He said, "My family makes a lot of sacrifices with Delta. I ask them to do a lot of things. I wasn’t about ready to ask them to cancel a long-scheduled vacation."

Bastian also told employees that the meeting with the President "was not about the whole Middle Eastern issue, it was really very limited to Qatar and the Air Italy situation." In essence it wasn't as important a meeting as it might have been and he didn't feel the need to be there, deferring instead to United's Oscar Munoz and American's Doug Parker to make their case instead.

Walking away empty handed, Parker and Munoz may have wished they'd gone on vacation, too.

Here's the full message that Bastian delivered in his video remarks:

I know we’ve gotten some media inquiries recently, and I’ve certainly gotten some questions from our employees relative to a meeting that was held in the White House with the President regarding our Middle Eastern campaign with the airlines, and a meeting that was held with some of the airline CEOs that I was not able to attend.

First and foremost our administration is doing a very good job of protecting our interests. There was a letter agreement signed a year ago that the administration pushed through that insisted on the U.A.E. and the Qataris providing transparency, limiting their ability to grow any new 5th freedom flying, and we continue to be disciplined in terms of how we’re watching the enactment of those treaties and those letter agreements that have been signed. Our team is doing a very good job working with the administration and we have strong support in DC for the position they’ve held.

Recently however as many of you know there is a new airline that has popped up on the scene called Air Italy which is based in Italy and is a proxy airline really for Qatar and as a result we’ve called it to the administration’s attention and many of you, in fact over 40,000 of you have sent emails in this year alone to the administration asking that they make certain that the agreements that Air Italy is flying under complies with the requirements of Open Skies and insist upon the transparency and the full disclosure similar to the agreements we had a year ago.

As a result of our request the administration did set up a meeting with the White House including President Trump just recently in the last couple of weeks. Unfortunately that meeting was set up at the very last minute as I was heading out of the country with my family on a long scheduled one week vacation that would have caused me to cancel the vacation with my family. My family makes a lot of sacrifices with Delta, I ask them to do a lot of things, I wasn’t about ready to ask them to cancel a long scheduled vacation.

This meeting was not about the whole Middle Eastern issue, it was really very limited to Qatar and the Air Italy situation. We’re well-represented and I consulted with the CEOs of both American and United and I know our position was presented to the President in a very clear and direct matter. So I wanted to clear that up. It was not a political statement that we were making in the least.

I told the White House I was willing to make any meeting, any week, it just couldn’t be that week. And they decided to hold the meeting when I wasn’t around. So apologies for that, I feel bad, but at the same time I feel strong that we’re on the right side of this issue. Our voices are being heard. I’ve talked to many of our Senators particularly that have been strong supporters of us in Washington following the meeting and they are just as fired up as ever that we’re going to make certain that the U.S. jobs that Delta provides as well as American and United are protected and that we’re going to continue to push forward with our campaign with the Middle Eastern carriers.

https://www.forbes.com/sites/garyleff/2 ... b5466a137c
Ma è un totale c*****e o è uno scherzo?????
Vanno avanti da un anno a dire che IG è una minaccia mortale per i posti di lavoro americani, convincono 40.000 dipendenti (!!) a scrivere fregnacce all'amministrazione Trump, e quando il presidente degli Stati Uniti, non del club di golf o della piscina dei figli, li convoca per dirimere la questione il CEO di DL, coperto da milioni e milioni di dollari ogni anno, non sposta una settimana di vacanza???? Da me capita di ferie cancellate per urgenze lavorative a gente che guadagna un infinitesimo di quello che guadagna Bastian!
I dipendenti dovrebbero cacciarlo a calci nel sedere!

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Messaggi: 1156
Iscritto il: mer 25 set 2013, 10:02:39
Località: Brianza

Re: Rapporti problematici tra compagnie USA e Air Italy

Messaggio da leggereda miguel » ven 02 ago 2019, 16:49:01

Stabibscrivendo la stessa cosa. Talmente assurdo che sembra finto . vediamo se i suoi dipendenti non lo mandano aff...

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Messaggi: 18921
Iscritto il: mar 20 nov 2007, 18:05:14
Località: Milano

Re: Rapporti problematici tra compagnie USA e Air Italy

Messaggio da leggereda malpensante » ven 02 ago 2019, 17:07:15

La toppa peggio del buco.

Messaggi: 6560
Iscritto il: mer 11 giu 2008, 23:29:09
Località: Milano

Re: Rapporti problematici tra compagnie USA e Air Italy

Messaggio da leggereda KittyHawk » ven 02 ago 2019, 18:11:43

Ma quelli che vorrebbero salvare la (in)gloriosa compagnia fiumicinense si rendono conto di che personaggi hanno coinvolto nell'improba impresa?

Messaggi: 3782
Iscritto il: lun 07 set 2009, 17:18:41

Re: Rapporti problematici tra compagnie USA e Air Italy

Messaggio da leggereda spanna » ven 02 ago 2019, 19:12:06

alitalia ne ha fatte milioni di stupidaggini, ma questa direi proprio di no, e' tutta farina americana. Quanto a bastian questa caxxata la paga grossa, sta perdendo la faccia anche di fronte ai suoi dipendenti e agli azionisti, per non parlare di trump.
20 anni di perdite senza soluzione di continuità per liberarsi di alitalia. Per ITA airways ne occorreranno molti meno.

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Messaggi: 8395
Iscritto il: gio 04 ott 2007, 21:13:47
Località: MXP

Re: Rapporti problematici tra compagnie USA e Air Italy

Messaggio da leggereda hal » ven 02 ago 2019, 19:46:59

Bastian... "contrario" in questo caso .... assente
nomen omen
Il maggior nemico della conoscenza non è l’ignoranza,
è la presunzione della conoscenza.

Stephen Hawking

Messaggi: 2946
Iscritto il: gio 10 lug 2008, 18:41:39
Località: Milano

Re: Rapporti problematici tra compagnie USA e Air Italy

Messaggio da leggereda Mauz » ven 02 ago 2019, 22:16:26

Non può essere così scemo! Ci sarà chiatwnun messaggio tra le righe e Bastian avrà VOLUTAMENTE voluto far passare il messaggio che ha snobbato Trump per una vacanza in famiglia. Avrà voluto delegittimarlo esplicitamente...

Anche perché dubito che il CEO di Delta abbia problemi a trovare un jet privato che lo porti dal resort alla Casa Bianca e viceversa senza scomodare tutta la famiglia.

Oltretutto dichiarare che l'incontro in cui si discuteva di QR e IG non fosse così importante potrebbe mettere la pietra tombale sulle loro velleità protezioniste.

Inviato dal mio JSN-L21 utilizzando Tapatalk
Stiamo monitorando attentamente la situazione. (Claudia)

Messaggi: 3782
Iscritto il: lun 07 set 2009, 17:18:41

Re: Rapporti problematici tra compagnie USA e Air Italy

Messaggio da leggereda spanna » mar 06 ago 2019, 17:38:24

sorpresa! Anche gli USA hanno i loro sindacati, e guarda un po', rompono i maglioni come quelli italiani:
President Donald Trump has consistently expressed support for protecting American jobs. But four top airline industry labor leaders say that support seemed to waver at a White House meeting last month.

The July 18th White House meeting was expected to help resolve the continuing controversy over subsidized Qatar Airways’ investment in Air Italy.

Instead, the president appeared to be more closely aligned with Qatar CEO Akbar Al Baker then with the CEOs of American Airlines and United Airlines, which jointly employ about 200,000 workers, the vast majority of them in the United States.

The meeting “was disrespectful to U.S. workers who have been pleading for our government to enforce agreements {with Mideast carriers] so that we can compete on a level playing field,” said Sara Nelson president of the Association of Flight Attendants, which represents about 50,000 flight attendants including about 25,000 at United.

Trump “is a guy who is supposed to be for American jobs,” Nelson said. “But he was cozying up to Al Bakar. "There was an exchange between them indicating that they go back a long way.

“This meeting was billed as an effort to resolve the issue of the Qatar Airways relationship with Air Italy,” Nelson said. “But the outcome was worse than doing nothing. Donald Trump said a year ago he was going to handle it: now he’s passing the buck.”

Nelson did not say who briefed her on details of the meeting. The meeting’s apparent resolution was a recommendation that the three global U.S. carriers seek a resolution through an unpromising complaint process at the Transportation Department.

Lori Bassani, president of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants, which represents 28,000 American Airline flight attendants, said, “Trump ran on the issue of keeping American jobs in the U.S.

“But that’s not how it played out” in the White House meeting, Bassani said. “Instead, the president sided with the Middle East airlines. It was a shock to us.”

Many details of the meeting were revealed in a July 29th NBC News story entitled, "Inside Trump's Apprentice-worthy Showdown with Airline CEOs." The subhead noted, "The president rebuffed U.S. airlines and trade advisor Peter Navarro in a tense Oval Office meeting."

A spokeswoman for Qatar Airways declined to comment on the White House meeting.

In a prepared statement in April, Qatar Airways said its 49% investment in Air Italy, as well as its operations to the United States, are fully compliant with the U.S.-Qatar Open Skies agreement, the January 2018 U.S.-Qatar understandings, and a side letter that accompanied the discussions.

“Unfounded claims that Qatar Airways’ investment in Air Italy violates the understandings are entirely false,” the carrier said. “As a factual matter, the investment preceded the January 2018 U.S.-Qatar understandings.

“Qatar Airways’ investment in Air Italy was a matter of public knowledge (as were Qatar Airways’ investments in other airlines) at the time of the U.S.-Qatar discussions;” it said. “Airline investments were not raised as a point of concern during these talks.”

Qatar Airway also noted that Delta owns 49% of Virgin Atlantic and Aeromexico. The carrier said it “is a long-term and loyal customer of Boeing, Gulfstream and General Electric, helping to secure tens of thousands of U.S. jobs through our continued investment in their products and is a valued partner to many other U.S. businesses” and that its U.S. service contributes to U.S. tourism and business.

In 2015, American, Delta and United mounted a campaign opposing the effort by three subsidized Persian Gulf carriers — Emirates, Etihad and Qatar — to take advantage of Open Skies treaties to expand rapidly in the U.S.

The treaties were developed in the early 1990s in an effort "to enable U.S. carriers to compete in a global market undistorted by government actions that advantage foreign carriers," said a report funded by the Partnership for Open and Fair Skies, a coalition of the three global U.S. carriers and most of their labor unions.

To date, however, the governments of Qatar and the United Arab Emirates have provided about $52 billion in subsidies to the three Gulf carriers, the partnership said.

The guest list at the White House meeting was stacked against the partnership's members. It included Fred Smith, founder and CEO of FedEx, which has aggressively battled unionization, as wells as the CEOs of Atlas Air and JetBlue. FedEx has its Mideast hub in Dubai, while Atlas and JetBlue have business relationships with Mideast carriers.

Qatar Airways purchased 49% of Air Italy in 2017. Air Italy very quickly thereafter adopted a Qatar strategy: Build a hub with rapid expansion of U.S. service, enabled by new airplanes purchased with government money. Now Air Italy flies from Milan to Los Angeles, Miami, New York and San Francisco: It announced but then postponed flights to Chicago.

In 2018, the administration and the governments of Qatar and the UAE signed deals that would freeze the number of fifth freedom flights by their carriers. Fifth freedom flights enable carriers to fly between two foreign countries. Qatar’s involvement with Air Italy appears to represent an effort to circumvent the agreement.

Todd Insler, chairman of the United Airlines chapter of the Air Line Pilots Association, wants the Trump administration to investigate whether the terms of the deals are being met. He cited the example of a Qatar Airways A330-200 that is registered to Qatar Airways but flies for Air Italy. United has bout 12,500 pilots.

“One reason the U.S. airlines complained is that if a foreign carrier is giving assets to a shell company, that leads to an unfair competitive advantage, giving them airplanes to fly basically for free,” Insler said. “We would like the Trump administration to look into that.”

In a letter sent to Trump on Monday, John Samuelsen, president of the Transport Workers Union, wrote, “Foreign carriers should not be allowed to grow into our markets using government subsidies – essentially forcing American workers to compete against foreign governments.” But Samuelsen also said that U.S. airlines have been increasing the amount of maintenance they perform overseas. TWU represents 151,000 workers including 60,000 airline workers.
https://www.forbes.com/sites/tedreed/20 ... 4e29b8317c
20 anni di perdite senza soluzione di continuità per liberarsi di alitalia. Per ITA airways ne occorreranno molti meno.


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