Qatar cargo apre Doha-Milano-Chicago dal 3 luglio 2013

Dal 3 luglio un Boeing 777 Freighter collegherà Milano Malpensa a Chicago grazie ai nuovi voli dedicati della Qatar Airways in partenza da Doha. I voli sono resi possibili grazie alla recente concessione dei diritti di V’ libertà da parte del nuovo Governo.
I voli saranno inizialmente 2 settimanali al Mercoledì e al Sabato sera con arrivo e partenza da Milano Malpensa alla sera destinazione Usa: un ulteriore importante tassello che consolida il primato di Malpensa quale primo aeroporto cargo italiano confermando l’importanza delle V’ libertà per rendere Milano la porta di congiunzione tra Est e Ovest.

Ecco il comunicato originale in Inglese del vettore:


Carrier Adds Two New Freighter Services To US City To Supplement Twice-Weekly Dedicated Chicago Flights
Qatar Airways’ Cargo Division Gears Up For Year Of Expansion

5 June 2013 Doha, QATAR

Qatar Airways Cargo will begin a new freighter service between the US and Italy a traditional and well established trade route that will double the freight capacity of the Doha-based carrier’s cargo services out of the United States.
From July 3, Qatar Airways Cargo will operate a twice-weekly direct service on the popular Milan – Chicago – Milan route.
The new service will double the airline’s freighter capacity out of Chicago, from where it already operates a twice-weekly cargo service to Amsterdam. All flights continue onto Doha, capital of the State of Qatar.
The Chicago – Milan cargo route is one of the busiest in the freighter industry, with over 16,500 tonnes of air cargo shipped annually between the US and Italy.
All the Chicago freighters are operated with Boeing 777 aircraft.
Qatar Airways Chief Executive Officer Akbar Al Baker said the new twice-weekly freighter service will help cement Qatar Airways’ profile in the US and Europe as a provider of high quality and reliable airfreight services.
“Along with our recently introduced thrice-weekly passenger service between our Doha hub and Chicago which will step up to daily flights from June 15, these new dedicated freighter services will solidify Qatar Airways’ position in the US as a leader in freighter and passenger services,” he said.
“The Chicago – Milan sector will add about 200 tonnes of additional capacity weekly to the freight we ship out of Chicago and is testament to our commitment to servicing the US air cargo industry and to further globalise business from the US to our worldwide cargo network.
Qatar Airways Chief Officer Cargo, Ulrich Ogiermann said the new services demonstrated continued commitment to the Chicago market.
“Adding this new route to our growing worldwide freighter network is a significant development for Qatar Airways’ cargo operations,” said Ogiermann.
“With more new routes planned and a fifth Boeing 777 Freighter set to join the fleet this month, the second half of 2013 is going to be one of major achievements and development for our business.
“We look forward to working with our partners in the air cargo industry, be they agents or freight forwarders to continue to make our services a highly successful operation.”

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