World Routes è uno tra i principali eventi del settore aeronautico che riunisce compagnie aeree, aeroporti, aviation stakeholder, industria del turismo e tourism bureau di tutto il mondo ed è organizzato da UBM. Il documento di candidatura che ha portato all’assegnazione di questo importante evento a Milano è stato curato da SEA, Mi.Co, Regione Lombardia e Comune di Mi-lano.
L’evento attrae delegati da tutto il mondo dando loro la possibilità di incon-trarsi per intercettare opportunità di business, negoziare e costruire relazio-ni. Rispetto ad altre manifestazioni analoghe, gli eventi World Routes si ca-ratterizzano nel generare indotto economico correlato tra aviation industry e territorio ospitante. Partecipano circa 4.000 delegati, tra cui Presidenti, CEO e Direttori Generali delle compagnie aeree e degli aeroporti del mondo.
Il World Routes 2020 si svolgerà dal 5 all’8 settembre presso i padiglioni di Fiera Milano.
Perché è importante ospitare il World Routes a Milano
• Per consolidare la crescita degli aeroporti di Milano, uno tra i primi 10 sistemi aeroportuali europei, e aprire nuove rotte per connettere la città con il mondo, specialmente con l’Asia e le Americhe.
• Per rafforzare la brand awareness delle destinazioni Milano e Lombardia e per mostrare a delegati di alto-profilo e alle più impor-tanti organizzazioni dell’industria dell’aviazione globale che cosa possono offrire a tutto il mondo.
• Per mostrare al mondo cosa Milano e la Regione Lombardia pos-sono offrire.
• Per rafforzare la percezione dell’aeroporto e della destinazione fra i decision-makers dello sviluppo del network.
Il percorso verso World Routes 2020
• SEA, Comune di Milano e Regione Lombardia parteciperanno al World Routes 2018 a Guangzhou con uno stand dedicato.
• SEA, Comune di Milano e Regione Lombardia parteciperanno con uno stand dedicato al World Routes 2019 di Adelaide dove si terrà la cerimonia ufficiale del passaggio del testimone da Adelaide a Mi-lano per l’organizzazione del World Routes 2020.
L’impatto economico a lungo termine del World Routes
• Alcuni studi hanno rilevato che le città ospitanti l’evento hanno re-gistrato in media un aumento del network aereo di circa +9% nei 3 anni successivi all’evento, rispetto ai loro competitors.
• Secondo gli studi effettuati da UBM su città che hanno ospitato edi-zioni precedenti del World Routes, l’impatto totale dell’evento sul territorio è stato valutato in:
o circa £167.1 milioni pari a circa €187,4 milioni (cambio al 18 luglio 2018),
o 2.010 posti di lavoro a tempo pieno.
Questa stima considera l’impatto totale economico del primo anno e i be-nefici a lungo termine dell’evento sul territorio.
(Fonte: Report by Routes, UBM EMEA – Legacy impact is estimated assum-ing the incremental connectivity generated by hosting Routes World).
25 July 2018
Milan to host World Routes 2020
Milan, the fashion capital of the world, has been chosen as the host and destination for the 26th World Route Development Forum in 2020. The major aviation industry event is scheduled to take place on 5-8th September 2020.
After a very competitive selection process, SEA, the group responsible for managing Milano Malpensa and Milano Linate airports, has won the bid for World Routes 2020 on behalf of Milan and the Lombardy region.
World Routes is a unique event that moves from city to city every year to highlight different international aviation markets. It serves as the ultimate event for airlines, airports, tourism officials and suppliers. The three-day gathering grants unprecedented opportunities for senior decision makers to meet face-to-face and discuss the future of air services, develop and plan network strategy and explore new route opportunities.
One of Italy’s tourist hot spots, Milan is the perfect city to host such an event. One of the most connected and easily accessible cities in the world. The Lombardy region, of which Milan is the capital, is the 3rd most populated region of Europe with 10 million inhabitants and is serviced by three airports – Malpensa, Linate and Orio al Serio. These airports, which welcome over 39 million passengers annually, are gateways to the world and their development is key to Milan’s status as a cutting-edge international metropolis.
On why the SEA group was successful in their bid, Steven Small, Brand Director for Routes said: “SEA’s aim is to further connect the city to the world, especially to Asia and the Americas, and hosting the 26th World Routes event will be a great platform for this. Milan has cultivated a thriving conference industry in recent times, having hosted EXPO 2015 which more than 20 million people attended – I feel that hosting the forum here will consolidate Milan’s growth and enhance the astonishing legacy of World Routes.”
Attilio Fontana, President of Regione Lombardia, said: “We have to consider positively any international event that brings an important and wide visibility in Milan and Lombardy. World Routes is an event that will contribute to increase the economic development of our territory. The airports and any activity linked with them are central and important for any productive sector: for this reason it is important to sustain their development and make them as competitive as possible”.
Giuseppe Sala, Mayor of Milan, also said: “Few European cities, like Milan, can offer modern infrastructure, easy access from 190 world destinations in to the world-class Airports of Linate and
Malpensa – awarded best European Airports by ACI in 2015. This city has over 47,000 hotel rooms and a far-reaching and low-cost public transportation network.”
Stakeholders including the SEA, Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti, Regione Lombardia, Comune di Milano and Fiera Milano Congressi will be involved in hosting the 26th annual World Routes forum.
More information about World Routes can be found at
World Routes 2020, 5-8 September 2020, Milan, Italy.
Notes to Editors
About Routes
• Routes events are unique forums dedicated to the development of new air services. Five ‘regional’ route development forums are held between February and July in the Americas, Asia, Europe and Africa. The flagship World Routes event takes place in September.
• The events revolve around pre-scheduled meetings and an exhibition and conference which are delivered in partnership with host stakeholders. Hosts tend to be a collaboration between airports, tourism authorities and investment partners (the bidding process takes place two to three years before the event takes place).
• Routes is a member of the EMEA division of UBM, UBM is part of Informa plc.
Il maggior nemico della conoscenza non è l’ignoranza,
è la presunzione della conoscenza.
Stephen Hawking